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Friday, December 19, 2008

Gobalas Wordpress Adsense System Version 2.0

This is the main component of the entire system. It's a whopping 156-page ebook with tons of screenshots, images and graphics to help you understand how to quickly and easily set-up Wordpress, as well as how to use it with Google Adsense.
Here's what you will discover:
A Step-by-Step, Straightforward Introduction To Blogging

I will help you overcome your fear of technical information, and get you on the right mindset. Then I will help you understand the basics of blogging and all leapfrog over all the confusing jargon that you�re afraid of.
Set-up Your First Wordpress Blog Without Getting A Headache - Cut short the steep learning curve and start your first Wordpress site in minutes. I will show you two popular ways to install Wordpress (videos included) and how to set the basic access permissions (CHMOD) for your system.
Start Making Money in Your First 7 Days - With our custom themes and instructions on how to use them properly, you'll have absolutely no problem making your first Google Adsense dollar in the shortest time possible. In fact, one of our customers was kind enough to give us his earning stats for his fifth month after reading our guide and following our recommendations:
Optimize Wordpress For Massive Search Engine Traffic

You can download This eBook from Here

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